Zavadskaya Irina Anatolyevna Ukr:Завадська Ірина АнатолівнаRus:Завадская Ирина АнатольевнаEng:Zavadskaya Irina AnatolyevnaID:412 592 473#:U2FsdGVkX1/HCJTk0K/EhL0YgublVpHc+xK+RLOCbr14SIPJMtvQ8P1DU+9n00jpvys7w8VdHoFndsr8mFjh+g==Personal dataInformation reportPhoto and mediaResource linksDate of birth: Citizenship: Ukraine, Russian FederationPlace of residence: Ukraine, Crimea, SimferopolActivity: Historian, archaeologistOrganization: Crimean Federal UniversityPosition: Leading researcher, academic secretarynullCrimeaCollaborator WARNING! If you have additional information about this object, or other similar/related objects, things and persons, please send it to us. For sending please use a special form on the Argo portal.
Date of birth: Citizenship: Ukraine, Russian FederationPlace of residence: Ukraine, Crimea, SimferopolActivity: Historian, archaeologistOrganization: Crimean Federal UniversityPosition: Leading researcher, academic secretarynull